Re: [DS] Specialist Elements
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 13:59:53 +1200
Subject: Re: [DS] Specialist Elements
Mike wrote:
> Andrew wrote:
> > Also it seems a little too diverse. The APSW would require different
positioning to the APSW, I feel.
> I'm not sure I follow. I'll assume you meant to compare the GMS/L
APSW positions. I don't see the "weapons element" as being much
than an APC with GMS and APSW. These weapons elements would hold back
only be called forward when the rest of PA squad or platoon encounters
something a bit tougher than usual. Then, regardless of the threat,
infantry or armor, they move forward and provide supporting fire or
launch a
missile. They would provide close support to their platoons while
possessing the exact same type of mobility as the rest of the PA
One thing that might be better is an Infantry walker with a GMS/H (or a
turreted GMS/L - if you're using the rules on my site). The free
self-protection APSW can be handy. Plus, the Infantry walker (size one)
takes up 8 capacity points to transport.
Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169