From: THE-DRAKE@w... (staci & mark Drake)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:00:03 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: books
Thanks for jogging my memory--I do remember the revolt story;believe
it was in Great Space Battles.Remember the revolt centered around some
sort of "workers" uprising,led by some super industrialist;believe he
blew up his own ship when revolt failed and gov forces were pursuing his
ship.I do remember that the insurrection forces used any weapons they
could find--from military grade to industrial lasers (remember
illustration of this fantastic looking ship from that story.)
Also,wasn't there mention of Earth forces using an afv called the
Scorpion while fighting the city-ship wielding 'noids? That would be
very DS2 useful!
Any idea where I could find these books?