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We're No. '1' :)

From: Cleats Balentine <kevinbalentine@y...>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 14:42:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: We're No. '1' :)

All of the talk about the leadership of the '1'
rollers club has appeared to die down, but if ballots
are still being cast, put my name in the race.

Saturday, playing Stargrunt, I had a squad of power
armor have horrendous luck with the dice.

The power armor had managed to close to short range
against an enemy tank. 

My opponent rolled a four.

My power armor (rolling five dice, three
multi-launcher packs at d8, IAVR at d10 and quality
die at d8) rolled three 1s, a three and a four.

Minutes later, a squad of regulars hunkered down in
hard cover took a casualty from medium range rifle
fire. It was their first casualty of the game and they
needed to beat a three on their quality die. Of
course, I roll a 1 on a d8 and drop two confidence
levels from steady to broken, effectively taking them
out of the game.

Just to show that my lack of "dice skill" isn't
limited to Stargrunt, playing soldiers companion last
weekend, I had a company of British infantry advancing
on Martian trenches.

On the first round of fire, the Martians gain one
potential hit. On the roll to see if it is an officer,
I roll a 1, making it the Army Commander, attached to
that platoon. He dies ... but the Brits still carry
the day.

These aren't isolated incidents ... I can roll a 1 at
any time and under any conditions. My string of 1s
continued late into the night as my girlfriend and I
played Tribond (a trivia game).

Personally, I believe there are plenty of "Real Life"
situations that can mimic the effects of bad dice in a
miniatures game.

Such as, and this is rarely if ever truly represented
on table, maybe the sun was setting behind my
opponents in each game. That could account for some
poor performance. Maybe the troops just weren't ready
to fight that day. 

Or maybe they're just unlucky.

Or maybe, just maybe, I need to buy new dice ;-)


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