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EW Questions

From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 23:35:45 -0400
Subject: EW Questions

Here are some EW questions for the list body:

1) Can you attain a sufficient firing solution from passive means to
launch guided ordinance? Or must you run active mode systems to provide
a fire control solution?

2) Thinking about this (in the abscense of hard facts), I'd assume that:

- Passive sensor systems would be bad at short ranges, worse at medium
ranges, and pretty awful at long ranges BUT because they don't rely on
reflected signal, they work out to further ranges than active systems
- Active systems work excellently at short range, moderately at medium
range, and don't work worth a tinkers damn beyond that (too much space
to cover, impossible to put a meaningful amount of energy density out to
these ranges

By this, I might imply (no specific numbers here) that, to detect an
enemy bogey, your sensor ranges might look like

Passive:    120"
Active:      60"

but to get a good read on target, your sensor ranges might look like:

Passive:  30"
Active: 60"

<This is just a "for instance">.

Does this have anything to do with how modern sensors work across
spatial distances?

The drill usually runs as:
Enter system, passive sensors on (give a crappy picture of close space,
but also a picture of further off space)
When you have reason to suspect other ships about, or if you don't care,
on go the active systems (to give a closer picture of near and far
If you have located a bogey by way of active or passive search arrays,
you can fire up your narrow-scan fire control rig if you wish to attain
a target solution


"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

Homepage: http:\\\~kaladorn\index.html
ICQ: 58316640 (Tomin8tor)

"Ah. I see. Inform me if there is any change in his condition."
<hangs up the phone>
"How is he?"
"He's dead."
-- The movie Top Secret

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