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DS II: Rambling as usual, this time about infantry and walkers and stuff

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 18:02:15 PDT
Subject: DS II: Rambling as usual, this time about infantry and walkers and stuff

A few thoughts:

Same complaint someone else had, I fell prey to today despite my
caution.  I 
bought myself some Battletech IS Powered Armor troops to use in DS II. 
Lord! The things are almost as big as the stuff I'm using as Infantry 
Walkers.  They tower over most of my low slung MBT's. They're just way
of scale. Do most people go ahead and use them, despite this? I admit,
vehicle figures I use are on the small side compared to some lines. But 
still... yeesh!

Why are walkers relegated to size 1 or 4-7? Why no size 2 or 3 walkers?
smaller walkers are possible, and so are bigger ones, why not the 
middle-sized ones?  I'm all for allowing class 2 Infantry Walkers, and
3 Combat Walkers.

Has anyone done any conversions from Heavy Gear into SG or DS?	I've
played the game, but it looks cool. Just from the perusals I've done,
suggest you make the gears either class 1 or 2 Infantry Walkers.  As for

those funky wheels on them, cost gears a little higher than regular
and allow them to use roads as Easy terrain like any other vehicle.

Any of the people out there ever deal with jump jets when doing
to DS conversions? The idea I came up with was: Make jump jets 1 item -
take up 1 space per class of vehicle (ie a class 1 walker's jets would
up 1 space, etc.) and they way they affect movement is such: They render

Mountains and Woods as Normal instead of poor, and urban as poor instead
difficult (They have no effect on swamp terrain, using them where you
get stuck when you land seems like a BAD idea).  Second, they allow
equipped with them to make pop-up attacks like VTOL's, provided the
cover is 
urban or wooded terrain or minor hills, NOT mountains.

Brian Bilderback
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