MT missiles and point costs
From: Reen-Shuler Adrian <reen-shuler.a@m...>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 13:26:00 -0400
Subject: MT missiles and point costs
>>Maybe this is in the archives, but why do all weapon systems have the
>>same cost? They don't all seem equal.
>Class-1 battery: 3 points
>3-arc Class-2 battery: 6 points
>6-arc Class-2 battery: 9 points
>1-arc Pulse Torpedo: 12 points
>6-arc Pulse Torpedo: 18 points
>Nova Cannon: 60 points
>I'm afraid don't quite see how you can say that "all weapon systems
>have the same cost" - unless you mean to say that 3 = 6 = 9 = 12 = 18 =
>= 60, but I seriously hope that you don't!
I meant they all have the same cost per a given mass (i.e. massx3), but
weapons don't seem equal for a given amount of mass. I guess I'll have
to be
more specific in the future.
With vector (at least in my experience), it's a rare day that 2 6-arc
Class-2 batteries are worth the same points as 3 3-arc Class-2
>>Also, has anyone ever come up with a point cost for the special
>>missiles from MT (i.e. the EMP and Needle missiles)?
>MT and FB1 both say that they cost 6 points per missile...
I noticed the point costs given for MT missiles, but since the EMP
are vastly more potent than nuclear missiles (at least against anything
bigger than a DD) it seems they should have a hirer point cost.
>Remember that PDS shoot down MT missiles on rolls of 4-6 in FB1 (and
>Class-1 batteries shoot them down on rolls of 5-6), rather than just
>rolls of 6.
>Oerjan Ohlson