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Re: Airbrushing, masking, and Frisket

From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 09:00:05 -0700
Subject: Re: Airbrushing, masking, and Frisket

Thought I'd offer a comment about thinning paints, particularly Ral
Partha Etc.
After thinning the paint to the consistency of milk (just what is the
of milk; no fat, low fat, whole, half & half?) you ought to strain the
through some nylon.  This will eliminate most pigment clumps or bits
from your
final mixture.	It has been my experience, using un-strained paint, that
brush gets gummed up and paint doesn't flow evenly . . . if at all.

On compressors - The max psi you'd want to run through an air brush
would be 20,
and I think that's pretty high.  12 - 15 psi seems to work well for me. 
I have
a Panache (sp) compressor with a moisture trap (prevents corrosion in
line/brush) and a regulator (which allows me to monitor the pressure and
with it a bit).

Finally I'm a beginner with the air brush so take my comments with a
grain of
salt.  Though I really like the soft color and even coverage you get
with the
air brush.  No brush streaks, what could be finer.  - Aron

>4) Airbrush paints - Must I buy a whole new set of paints? I have
Tamiya and
>Humbrol and Ral Partha paints galore... must these be added to with
>whole set for an airbrush? Or is thinning and using them an option? If
>how much to thin, or with what?

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