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Re: [FB2] FB2

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 23:09:29 +1000
Subject: Re: [FB2] FB2

From: "Bell, Brian K" <>
Subject: RE: [FB2] FB2

> Has the nature of the Sa'Vasku changed from MT?
> In MT, the Sa'Vasku were still "crew", but also formed a component of
> ship.
> Has the Sa'Vasku become the ships themselves in Fleet Book 2?

Nobody Knows.

Theory X: the SuVasku are giant creatures that never leave their
sending out Bio Constructs

Theory Y: the SuVasku are actually independent parts of the BioShips,
have been mistaken for organs.

Theory Z: the Su'Vasku isn't a race, it's a person, like a portugese Man
is actually a colony of individuals not a single organism.

There are other thories.

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