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Re: FB2 errata

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 08:08:03 +0100
Subject: Re: FB2 errata

>As Jon said, we could rely on finding some typos in FB2 <g>

Show me a book (gaming or otherwise) that DOESN'T have some....  ;-)
>The typos, errors and ambiguosities I've found so far are:
>- KV Di'Tok (DH): Tech specs shouldn't be in italics...
>- KV Do'San (CVL): Tech specs say that the ship only have 1xK1. This is
>incorrect; it has 3xK1as indicated on the data panel.
>- KV Ko'San (CV): 3 Fire Control Systems are missing from the data
>panel (this time the tech specs are correct).

This just goes to prove that no matter HOW hard or how many times you
it, SOMETHING will still slip through! At least three people went over
ship spec pages several times, and all missed these!
>- SV Ty'Sa'Teth (CVE): The background blurb talks about "small task
>froces". It shouldn't <g>
>- Page 34 seems to be missing ;-)

Ha bloody ha.....  ;-)

>- Shell, clarification of a potential source of confusion: The rule
>(p35) says both that Shell boxes cost 2 points each (4th paragraf)
>*and* that their cost per box is 2 x layer number (2 pts per box in
>layer 1, 4 pts per box in layer 2 etc). The latter is correct.

Bugger. This is probably a hangover from before we made the last-minute
change to the costs for each shell layer (of course, this'll all mean
absolutely nothing to those who haven't seen a copy yet!!).

>- PBL clarification: Any missile or fighter caught within the burst
>of an exploding PBL is automatically destroyed (as for all other area
>effect weapons).
>- PBL summary (p45): Note about effects of shields/shrouds is missing.

Good point. Fortunately it IS in the actual rules, just not in the
summary box.

Jon (GZG)
>Oerjan Ohlson
>"Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
>- Hen3ry

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