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Re: The Sorrows of Airbrushing

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <siefert@m...>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 00:36:22 -0500
Subject: Re: The Sorrows of Airbrushing

-MWS- wrote:

> You probably didn't wait at least 48+ hours for the previous coat to
> *thoroughly* - assuming that you are using acrylics of course . . .

	Hmmmm... I didn't think it was going to take as long as that. 
I'm so
used to my paint jobs being done in a few hours.

Mark A. Siefert

	"Let joy be unconfined. Let there be dancing in the streets, 
	drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlor."

				      --Groucho Marx (as Otis Driftwood)
					"A Night At the Opera"

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