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Re: starwars Vs. star trek

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 00:51:45 -0500
Subject: Re: starwars Vs. star trek

I have some thoughts of my own on Star Trek...

A certain game designer...who shall remain nameless...told me himself
all of Star Trek is just
a vast allegory to the 20th century.  So his game design...also will
remain filled with 20th century non-clamenture (that word is hard

When I told him I didn't think so...he said I just needed to get back to
"reality".  But on second thought, he felt that "reality" was better
me in it!

Now is that anyway for a business man to talk with one of his customers?

Donald Hosford

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