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Re: Dice For Beth

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:37:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Dice For Beth

Laserlight wrote:
> >G'day Indy,
> >
> >>Hey, now! You can't be President. You roll too FEW 1's! That's
> >>between me and Beth
> >
> >Dice you for it.....
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Beth
> "Ladies and gentlemen, our two candidates for President are
> here.  Madame Fulton and Mr. Kochte will each roll a d6, and
> will continue rolling until one roll results in a six.  The
> first one to roll a six--loses the presidency."
> (I'm betting that Indy's die would break in half and fall with
> the pips down, resulting in a roll of zero--sorry, Beth).

I just got three dice out and rolled them. Two imploded. The other
disappeared in the next cubicle (after explaining it to my cube-mate, 
she started laughing and suggested I not look at the roll result)


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