Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 16:02:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)
On 24-Mar-00 at 15:53, Izenberg, Noam ( wrote:
> From: Roger Books <>
> >Well, I use Viewer III to store SSDs of my ships (made with the
> >I don't see a big market for a ship design program, I can find those
> >other places. What would be wonderful would be something like Viewer
> >III that allowed you to mark off boxes. I've considered writing this
> >myself, but currently I'm writing a Perl module for handling ships
> >and fleets in FB using GZF, but that won't run on a Palm.
> *Drool* That's exactly what I was starting to think about as well. I
> little hope of coding anything, but would love such an application.
> _Ideally_ we'd want a Palm OS application in which you select weapons
> your fleet's available list), rnages, and targets, and the app rolls
> dice, calculates damage, and beams the info over to your opponent's
> Palm/Visor/etc, which in turn automatically marks off hull and rolls
> damage for its ships. Now _that's_ a project.
Actually, I don't want the die rolling done on the Palm. I have this
rather severe distrust of the random number generators I have seen on
the Palm. It's more fun to roll anyway.
> That aside, I still haven't found an application I like to translate a
> spreadsheet format to an SSD. All the dedicated programs seem
> and freehanding it is so time consuming.
I do it by hand, not that big a deal once you have the icons set up.