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RE: [ds2] Portable Heavy Weapons (was: Dirtside powered armor)

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 07:18:00 -0500
Subject: RE: [ds2] Portable Heavy Weapons (was: Dirtside powered armor)

> Replying to my own post because I realized that they did not make
> (sorry)
> Revised:
> Portable Heavy Weapons (xxx/P and PHW) Teams
> Treated as a Class-1 weapon except:
> 1) Use infantry unit quality in place of the FCS/Guidance:
>	Green: Close: d6 Medium: d4
>	Regular: Basic
>	Veteran: Enhanced
>	Elite: Superior
> 2) RFAC/Ps, MDC/Ps, and DFFG/Ps have a maximum range of Medium.
> 3) HEL/Ps and GSM/Ps have a maximum range of 16".
> 4) HVCs, HKPs, and SLAMs do not have a portable variant (minimum size
> 3).
> 5) PHWs are good for a limited number of shots in DS2. The power packs
> used to power the weapons run out in the case of HEL/P and MDC/P. The
> element can only carry a limited number of reloads for RFAC/P, DFFG/P,
> GSM/P. Borrowing from SG2, I suggest providing counters to indicate
> of the PHW rounds.
>   5a) Non-powered Infantry units may carry upto 2 PHW rounds. 
>   5b) PowerArmor Infantry units may carry upto 3 PHW rounds.
> 6) The element that carries these are treated as an Anti-Armor
> Team until the PHW rounds are used up. Infantry Rifle Teams (or
> Power Armor for the Power Armor Teams). The PHWs are assumed to be
> disposable. A PHW Team may volunteraly discard PHW rounds in order to
> conduct Infantry Ranged Combat. However, PHW rounds are not
recoverable if
> discarded.
> 7) Cost is the cost of an Infantry Rifle Team (Power Armor Team in
case of
> Power Armor) PLUS 1/2 (round up) the cost of a fixed mount Class-1
> per PHW round.
> Weapon	   Close	  Medium	  Long
> HEL/P 	     16"	     -		    -
> RFAC/P	      8"	    12" 	    -
> MDC/P (GAC/P)       8"	    16" 	    -
> DFFG/P	      4"	     8" 	    -
> GSM/P 	     16"	     -		    -	    
> Infantry Heavy Weapons Teams (IHWT)
> This is an extention of the Anti-Armor Team listed on p.13 of DS2.
> conform to this listing in all ways, but vary may carry any Class-1
> weapon. These are crew-served weapons. These teams carry only small
> for self defense in addition to the heavy weapon.
> Differences from PHW Teams:
> 1) Uses Basic FCS for HEL, RFAC, MDC and DFFG
>   1a) GSMs purchase the appropriate Guidance System.
> 2) Use normal Class-1 weapon ranges.
> 3) Does NOT use expendable ammo counters (may fire each round).
> 4) Treated as Anti-Armor Team as listed on p. 13 of DS2
> 5) Cost is for Infantry Rifle Team (or Power Armor Team) PLUS the cost
> a fixed mounted Class-1 weapon.
> Valid heavy weapons for IHWTs are:
>	HEL/1, RFAC/1, MDC/1, DFFG/1, and GSM/L
> Comments or suggestions?
> -----
> Brian Bell
> -----
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bell, Brian K []
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 7:28 AM
> To:	'gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU'
> Subject:	RE: [ds2] Dirtside powered armor
> [snip]
> > By the way, in SG you have a GMS/P, which is even smaller than the
> > GMS/L. The GMS/L is treated just like any other size 1 weapon.
> > 
> [Bri] I have also thought about this. I think that a house rule could
> made that is fairly generic for all weapons that are man-portable 
> versions of heavy weapons (call it /p class):
> HEL/P, RFAC/P, MDC/P (GAC/P), DFFG/P, and GSM/P all work as
> per the rules for class-1 weapons with the following changes:
>   1) Use infantry quality as FCS (green: basic, regular: enhanced,
> veteran and elite: superior).
>   2) Maximum range is 12" (DS2 inches).
> Simple and easy to use. HVC, HKP, and SLAMs are not included as
> the minimum size listed is Class-3.
> [snip]

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