Re: Combat films
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 00:20:28 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Combat films
On 17-Mar-00 at 20:12, Allan Goodall ( wrote:
> "Thin Red Line" I thought did a good job of depicting the Japanese
from the
> point of view of the soldiers fighting them. You don't actually see
> Japanese up close. The depiction of the stunned Japanese prisoners was
> done, I thought.
> My complaints with the movie have little to do with historical
> They are mostly story telling problems.
> My biggest complaint is the main plot.
My biggest complaint was the charactarizations. At no point did I
give a rats fanny about any of the characters. I didn't empathize
with them, I didn't even have much sympathy for them. What this has
to do with GZG games I have no idea. Anyone tried running
the hill takeover with SG?