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Dirtside powered armor

From: John Kinder <jkinder@m...>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 16:11:44 -0600
Subject: Dirtside powered armor

	Greetings all,
	I recently bought a pack of NAC powered armor troops from the
Mini's line and have a few questions before I paint them. I don't have
any of the corresponding 25 mm figures to compare them to. There are
four stands for four troops each and four stands for two troops each.
There are four figures in this pack with what I would guess are the HVAT
rail guns, four with an SAW or PPG(I), and sixteen with antipersonnel
weapons. Do people mount the weapons troops on the two figure stands? In
Dirtside, should the HVAT railgun be classified as a portable MDC-1 or
as an RFAC-1 or as an APSW? Should the PPG(I) be considered as a
separate weapon or should it be included in the increase in firepower a
powered armor stand has over a regular infantry team in Dirtside? Thanks
in advance.

John Kinder

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