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GZG West Coast Con Planning Dinner

From: Ted Arlauskas <ted@n...>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 19:55:32 -0800
Subject: GZG West Coast Con Planning Dinner

This is an open invitation to everyone on the 
list to come and join me this coming Monday night,
the 20th, for a Ground Zero Games West Coast 
Convention (GZG WCC) planning meeting / dinner in
Oakland.  We'll meet at Zachary's Chicago Pizza 
at 7pm.  Zachary's is at 5801 College Ave, 
between Claremont Ave and Oak Grove Ave.  We'll 
have dinner and talk about the plans for the WCC.
I'm looking for any input you all are interested
in sharing.


When you get there ask the hostess for "Ted's table."

Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention - October 6 to 8, 2000
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