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Re: Mission To Mars (not really...)

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 22:03:09 -0500
Subject: Re: Mission To Mars (not really...)

Quoth the Adrian:
>Characters in a film have to make us believe that THEY believe
what is
>going on.


I agree.  I really enjoyed Conan The Barbarian because they were
serious about it (and I got the video and two copies of the
soundtrack by Basil Polidouris); I enjoyed Monty Python & the
Holy Grail--even though it was silly all the way
through--because it was internally consistent (and the fact that
I saw it for the first time right after my first gaming con,
starting at 4am Sunday morning, may have helped).  I hated Conan
the Destroyer because they decided to add absurdity to a serious
story, and it grated.

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