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Re: Mission to Mars

From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 00:23:50 GMT
Subject: Re: Mission to Mars

In message <> Allan Goodall
> On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 03:15:55 -0400, wrote:
> >If they had named it something else and taken away the vague
references to
> >Heinlein's book (a few character and place names, and some very vague
> >ideas), it would have been a fun, but silly, sci-fi action pic.  
> >
> >Hopefully this doesn't ignite the conflict yet again ;-)
> The moment I saw the men standing around in a circle, firing at a bug
in the
> middle, I started laughing my arse off and realized Verhoven was
laughing at
> Heinlein. Now, to be honest, I DO think that Heinlein fans deserve a
> treatment of Starship Troopers.

I think it *was* a serious treatment of ST, but not (*clearly*
not) made by a hyper-respectful Heinlein fanboy. Serious, but
not respectful. There are chunks of RAH's polemic intact and,
ultimately, Humanity only survives because it is so extremely
martial, plainly shown to be a good thing.

...Any word on Verhoevan's Hitler biopic?

David Brewer

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