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Re: KV, Humans, and Political Divisions AND paints - subvert the paradigm

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 08:40:04 -0600
Subject: Re: KV, Humans, and Political Divisions AND paints - subvert the paradigm

> So why don't we ever, in our fiction, meet other species with the same
> tendencies? I'd love to see a scifiverse where humans meet another
> whose home planet has as many different ethnicities and political
>  as does Earth.

You need to read some of the fiction Los has produced.	That looked
pretty factionalized and politicaly divided.

I'd have to say that it's not that uncommon in sci-fi(sic). See Deep
Nine and it's Kazon. However, I think the point was not factions, but
in the make up of those factions. Perhaps to a BEM a survivalist commune
would show no difference from Buddhist monastery; I know I have some
difficulty finding TRUE differences between Crusader knights and
hordes sweeping central Asia, besides PR. *shrug*

However, I'm thinking I've seen the like some time ago. While I have
made my negative impressions of Jerry Pournelle's works already, and
what I
think he's done to Niven, I must say my recollection of the Moties'
and business structure was inspired, at least in this area.

I'd say the problem is making the diversity in the xeno's non-human
the same time something non-trivial, non-contrived.

I hope that's my last totally OT post for the week.

fluorescent - it glows white under UV. like most nail varnishes, it's
suspended in some volatile organic solvent (propanone or propan-2-ol,
possibly), which might make it a pain to use on painted or glued figs,

Having read somewhere someone using acetone-on-a-cotton-swab to smooth
modelling putty, I'd be nervous about using it on conversions or any

I've seen discussions on about using artists
acrylics on figs, and there was some contention on whether watered down
still covered. However, there seemed to be appreciation for the bottled
liquids, and plenty of pointers on using craft store marketed acrylics.

Does anyone have url's for the FAQ's that were spun off?


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