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Re: KV, Humans, and Political Divisions

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 08:58:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: KV, Humans, and Political Divisions

On 11-Mar-00 at 01:59, Brian Bilderback ( wrote:
> In short (I know, too late), once you've conquered your environment,
> other competing species, you have no need to evolve further unless
there is
>  competition to compete with other members of your OWN species.

This is one of the biggest myths I have seen.  Think about the
versus Cro-magnon.  The archaelogists claim that it didn't need to be
warfare that wiped out the Neanderthals, a 1% advantage over the course
of 800-1000 years was enough.  Do you know for sure that there isn't 
some group of humans who has a 1% advantage over the rest of the human
race such that they will absorb the rest of us?  And then there could
be some subgroup or minor mutation...

We can't "conquer" our environment any more than we can conquer
About all we seem to be able to do is to destroy our environment, much
like a bacteria culture in a petri dish.

> So why don't we ever, in our fiction, meet other species with the same

> tendencies? I'd love to see a scifiverse where humans meet another
> whose home planet has as many different ethnicities and political
>  as does Earth.

You need to read some of the fiction Los has produced.	That looked 
pretty factionalized and politicaly divided.


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