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RE: OK, what should I paint these blasted things?

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 06:40:22 -0500
Subject: RE: OK, what should I paint these blasted things?

Decide what type of terrain they are most likely to encounter. Then
choose a
camo pattern that fits. I have a group that was based on the Moon and so
used a Black/Grey camo for one group and a Multi-Grey Spot camo for
I have some pictures of the first set at Although the minis are hard to
you can see the terrain that they were used on under the 'Moonbase Xi'
portion of the GZG-ECC picture pages: GZG-ECC II

Or you can paint them in 'Parade Colors' which allows you do do anything

If you have enough other players that you will only need to paint your
force, then you are fine with one paint scheme. If, like me, it is
harder to
find people to play against, you may want to divide your forces and
two paint schemes (one for each side) to paint them.

Brian Bell	    

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A. Siefert []
> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 1:41 AM
> To:	Ground Zero Games Mailing List
> Subject:	OK, what should I paint these blasted things?
> Hello all:
>	I got a whole mess of DSII minis (AFVs and infantry mainly) at
> years GenCon, and I'm finally getting around to painting them.  Since
> I'm in need some ideas, I was curious as to how all you Groupos out
> there in GZG Mailing List Land paint your DSII forces?
> -- 
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
>	"Isn't life pretty," Ernest Hemingway once said,
>	 and then he put a bullet through his head.
>				      --On the Shoulders of Freaks,
>					Henry Phillips	

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