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Re: [DS2] Walkers

From: Chen-Song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 17:11:48 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: [DS2] Walkers

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Brian Burger wrote:

> Scotia also has soem very nice 6mm PA - I've got an entire reinforced
> battalion plus supports awaiting painting, one of these years. The
> microarmour vehicles are also very nice.(lots of them around, too.
> battalions, in fact...)

Hi. I'm interested in finding out more about Scotia's models.  Do you
any photos or know where to find some?	Especially for the 6mm infantry
figures.  How big are they compared with the GZG ones?
Do you also have addresses and/or webpages for Scotia or Simtac?  Thanks
in advance for the info.


Even the engineers are not *this* depraved.  This must be the work of
Med. students.

						- A friend of mine


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