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RE: [GZG ECC] "The Umpire Strikes Back" - The Predators

From: "The Sutherlands" <nma@k...>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 20:26:11 +0900
Subject: RE: [GZG ECC] "The Umpire Strikes Back" - The Predators

> > >>> >4. Cha
> > >>> >"Honored prey"  They must be capable of sending us to the
> > >>> Deity.
> > >>> >
> > >>> >5. Na'Cha
> > >>> >"Innocent potential prey"   They may be prey, but have no
> > >>> >means to sending us to the Deity.
> > >>>
> > >>> 4.5 Oops'Cha
> > >>> "We didn't expect them to be able to send us to the Deity,
> > >>> but it appears in retrospect that our estimates were slightly
> > >>> mistaken...."
> > >4.7 Got'Cha
> > >"Hey!  That's the Deity!  How did that happen?!?"
> > >(with respects to Wi'Sel the Never-Seen)
> > 
> > 4.8:  Cup'a'Cha
> > Innocent Prey that provides us with hot beverages before being 
> > killed......
> 4.9 Cha'Cha Cha
> Prey that dances around our weapons
> 4.10 Cha'Kol
> Prey that is best when well cooked
4.11 Cha'Broiled
Prey that must be killed by a flame weapon to see the Deity

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