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RE: Leader Replacement

From: Ted Arlauskas <ted@n...>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 15:05:16 -0800
Subject: RE: Leader Replacement

>Funnily enough at Platoon Level, the Platoon Sergeant will generally
have a
>much better grasp of tactical combat than the Platoon Commander unless
>Army/Military Officer promotion scheme revolves around promoting from
>ranks. A junior officer graduates from the Academy, spends one or two
>(maybe three?) as a Platoon Commander and then moves on to other
>staff training maybe specialist platoon etc.
>In game turns I would be inclined to see the Platoon Comd replacement
have a
>higher chance of a better Leadership.

Or maybe the leadership level is as high (or low) as it
is because the Plt Ldr is at his skill level _and_ there's
a Plt Sgt (of whatever level) behind him.  If the Plt Ldr
goes down, then your Plt suffers as all the leaders go 
shufflin' 'round and you wind up short a leader with a 
Plt Sgt who's not able to concentrate on the troops (like
he usually does) but has to concentrate on the mission

Sorry, as a junior officer I just had to stand up for all
of the LT's out there ...

>I guess we can talk this around in circles forever....

I'm tryin' my best! :)

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