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RE: [SG2] Squad chain-of-command?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:25:56 +0000
Subject: RE: [SG2] Squad chain-of-command?

>Well, in our group we generally don't. Why? We just never get to that
>level of detail i suppose. However things can get messy if you do get
>that detail; in the first fire combat the only casualty is your
>2IC...what happens when teh Squad Leader in teh next fire combat is
>Just gets messy without adding significantly to the game play. FMA
>Skirmish would be better positioned for this.
>Raising another point though; the loss of a SAW gunner should not
>deprive teh squad of teh weapon permanently. I know in the modern Brit,
>Aussi and Canadian Armies all infantry are trained in all section
>The gunner goes down, then the No2 takes over etc.

Maybe a simple die roll to see if the weapon itself is damaged by
killed the gunner? Unlikely if it was a bullet, but possible if he got
fried by a plasma bolt.....

Jon (GZG)
>Owen G
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: -MWS-
>> Sent: Wednesday, 26 January 2000 6:40
>> To: Full Thrust Mailing List
>> Subject: [SG2] Squad chain-of-command?
>> Greetings, folks!
>> Here's a question that isn't clear from the SG2 rulebook. 
>> When you create
>> a Squad, do you normally designate the [potential]
>> subcommander ahead of
>> time as a particular model in the unit, or do you roll
>> randomly for a new
>> unit commander if & when the original one is killed?
>> ===================================================================
>> Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
>>   email:
>>   StarFighter Command: <>
>> ===================================================================

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