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Re: Full Thrust line drawings

From: Tony Francis <tony@g...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 08:02:20 +0000
Subject: Re: Full Thrust line drawings

Greg wrote:

> Hello.  This is my first posting to the list.

Welcome aboard

> Does anyone have any line drawings of the other Full Thrust ship minis
> that are not illustrated in the Fleet Book?  E.g. both typs of medium
> freighters, or the older NAC minis like Miyazaki and Hoshino (sorry
> the butchered spelling).

If I remember correctly, the Hoshino is what the NAC Huron light cruiser
used to be called, similarly the standard NAC frigate was previously
the Miyazaki. There has been a distinct 'racial cleansing' of NAC ship
names to remove unwanted Japanese influences (presumably to open the way
for a separate range of Japanese ships sometime in the future). Some of
FT models go back a long way, I bought my first Hoshinos from Jon at a
in Lewisham in about '91 when they were initially released. I remember
showing me the Ark Royal model and being blown away by it.

(who's obviously been buying spaceships for far too long now)

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