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Re: Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers! Oh My! (was Re: Decals)

From: -MWS- <mshurtleff1@u...>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:57:08 -0800
Subject: Re: Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers! Oh My! (was Re: Decals)

Hiya Tom!

This is what I've been using for my K'rathri fleet designations.  Most
the classes have a "base" designation, with a second or third modifier
depending on the function.

BASE Classes
YY	non-FTL fighters
GG	FTL gunships
FF	Frigates (small escorts)
DD	Destroyers (escorts)
CC	Cruisers
BC	Battlecruisers
BB	Battleships
BD	Battledreadnoughts
DN	Dreadnoughts
SD	Superdreadnoughts
CV	Carriers

FUNCTION Codes (2nd/3rd letter)
L	Light
H	Heavy
E	Escort
A	Attack
Q	Patrol
S	Scout

SECONDARY FUNCTION Codes (3rd letter)
G	Guided (missile)
W	Planetary Warfare

If the primary code is a doubled letter, then the first function code
replaces the duplicate letter in the code.  Secondary functions are
in 3rd letter position.  K'rathri convention always lists missile ships
attack ships as well, so a "missile destroyer" would be coded as DAG
instead of DDG.

Escort ships tend to be dedicated anti-missile / anti-fighter platforms.
Attack ships tend to be heavy on Pulse Torps.  Missile ships use MT
missiles, as the K'rathri do not currently have Salvo Missile
Patrol ships tend to be on the Heavy side of the weight classes, since
are intended for extended duties away from fleet logistical support.

Here's a list of what I've currently got designs for.  The SSD stats are
StarFighter Command at

Fighters (six per stand)
YY	standard fighters, fast fighters
YE	interceptor fighters
YH	heavy fighters
YA	attack fighters
YAH	torpedo fighters
YQ	long-range fighters

Gunships (FTL capable, 1 to 4 per stand)
GG	gunships
GA	attack gunships
GS	scout ships

Light escorts
FL	corvettes
FF	frigates
FA	attack frigates
FAG	missile frigates
FH	heavy frigates

DD	destroyers
DE	escort destroyers
DA	attack destroyers
DH	heavy destroyers, "super" destroyers

CL	light cruisers
CC	cruisers
CE	escort cruisers
CA	attack cruisers
CH	heavy cruisers
CHG	heavy missile cruisers
CQ	patrol cruisers

Battlecruisers and Battleships
BC	battlecruisers
BCG	missile battlecruisers
BB	battleships
BBG	missile battleships

BD	battledreadnoughts
BDW	planetary assault ships
DN	dreadnoughts
DNA	attack dreadnoughts
DNG	missile dreadnoughts
SD	superdreadnoughts

Patrol and Assault Carriers
CVS	scout carriers
CVQ	patrol carriers
CVA	attack carriers

Fleet Carriers
CVE	escort carriers
CVL	light carriers
CVH	fleet carriers

Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
 StarFighter Command Homepage:

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