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RE: GZG Online Catalogue

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:47:42 -0000
Subject: RE: GZG Online Catalogue


>and then select a figure to view the image (bb-03 is really nice, one 
>of my own) the image page is generated dynamically so it allows 
>me to center it and put the figure code in etc.

For nice large high quality image - this is really nice
for BB-01 example it doesn't work as well but I can live 
with it, if you can get the caption under the image (whatever its size)
then it will be fine. I notice the images you are using are low quality
JPEGS, it would be a vast improvement if the compression rate were not
so high, these are small images anyway and need to be high quality to be
useful and show off the items to their best.

-= tim jones =- 

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