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Re: [ft] simple campaign system

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:31:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [ft] simple campaign system

On 13-Dec-99 at 23:38, Robertson, Brendan (
> The Top Men have supplied....
> This should cater to your requirements, Roger.
> *****

Looks pretty good.   A few questions.

> When setting up, 2 player games simply butt their territory randow
> against random edge & commence the game.  For 3+ players, an
> territory is required, either blank or with multiple neutral worlds to
> conquer.  The players have their territories randomly placed around
> neutral territory & then commence play.
> Neutral worlds are claimed by the first fleet to land marines (any

Why not just have the 3 players start connected?

> WarShips: Costs as per FTFB shipbuilding.  Only FTFB ships can be
> purchased initially.

Starting with only FTFB ships is a great idea.

> Freighters: Costs as per FTFB.

May make new designs for freighters?

> 3.	 Scanning & Resolve combat
> Ships in the same hex are told what contacts are in scan range in
> cruisers, capitals.  The fleet is then given 1 of 3 orders: attack,
> or lurk.  
> If both fleets have retreat or lurk orders, then no combat takes
> Attack vs Lurk is a standard space battle.
> Attack vs retreat gives the attacker a 5+ chance of engaging the enemy
> before they escape.

I think I'd do an apposed die roll, d6 + lowest thrust.  Either could
to abandon slow ships.

> If the
> shipyards have been destroyed, then they cannot be rebuilt at this

Ouch.  This means shipyards are THE target.  If you can reduce your
opponents shipyards to slag they are out of the game.

I like this, especially the Marines taking the planet.	I will probably
insert this into our next campaign.


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