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Re: [FH] Great Powers

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 08:03:43 -0800
Subject: Re: [FH] Great Powers

>	      Pop	       GDP	   ActMen     MilBud
>NAC	  809.6        $8238.1	    4193     $323993
>ESU	 2141.6      $1734.9	  8032	      114858
>FSE	 165.2	       $1174.5	    1289	  40225
>NSL	 123.1	       $1139	     1076	   35756
>IF	    370.7	   $493 	  4018		56570
>PAU	 468.1	       $239.9	      890.2	     7019
>IC	    527.2	  $235		 2283	       10015
>OU	    23.7	 $219.4 	   90		  5330

[snipped other good stuff]

This seems like a good basis for the rough proportionality of the GZG
universe. I think that the actual numbers would be higher, reflecting
colonial expansion into space.


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