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Re: Beth's emines and Heavy Beams.......

From: "Charles N. Choukalos" <chuckc@b...>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 10:30:09 -0500
Subject: Re: Beth's emines and Heavy Beams.......

Beth & Oerjan,

Just some quick input on your rule clarifications.
I'm following along with Beth et all with the HBW's max range.	We're 
that max range is 36", however if you've got screens and the net
-6 or more but you're still within range... you've got to get reroll
to actually damage the target.	However we carry over the spill over 
modifiers for the first reroll.  What do I mean..

Say screen-2 ship at range 31"	(aka -6 for range, -2 for screens)

So:  attacker has to roll a 6 to hit (0 damage)
     Then reroll.  Subtract the spill over (-8 total, -6 on 1st die, so 
-2 for
     this die) aka -2 and calc damage.
     Aka attacker rolls a 3 on his reroll die. 
    .: net = 1 pt of damage!  (Whoopie!)

     if the attacker rolled a 6 on his 1st reroll (He'd score 4 pts for 
that roll) and then roll again, this time straight damage.

Also on to the Capacitor stuff.

We're playing with 1st hit = 1/2 value.  2nd hit = 0 (just like drives).
However we play that you can always repair them ... (just like drives). 

But we play that a needle beam can only hit the projector, it can't 
target the capictor.  We did this primarily because we felt that the 
capacitor was buried within the ship and not a valid external target.  
Also we play that cap explosion is applied to hull in full.

I think that this makes sense and seems to work fairly well.  However my

players seem concerned that they are really not all that powerful or 
worthwhile.  I keep hearing the following complaints:

1.  Range bites (~ really they're like pulse torps... its probably my 
group is
		   into the class-3/4 beam thing right now )
2.  Not enough damage for the Mass (? could be that we're only using 
cap-2's mostly (NAC furious conversions).

3.  Limited arcs - limit effective shots we can put in (We're flying 
cinematic... I assume vector this really isn't a problem)

Anyway..... just throwing in my thoughts on the subject.


The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.
					  ~Louis L'Amour
|Chuck Choukalos | IBM : 1000 River Road   | Phone:802-769-5787 (tie
|PD Methodology  | Essex Junction, VT 05452| Fax  :802-769-5882 (tie
|Department	 | Bldg. 863H Dept. G07V   |	

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