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RE: Too easy

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:45:34 -0500
Subject: RE: Too easy

Thanks for the kind words, Aron!

It dosen't help that the dice rolls for everyone seem to be either 1's
6's. :-\

Now that I am running a PBeM game, I appreciate the ones that I was in

Any one who wants to take a look at the game may use the URL below. 

Brian Bell      

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 11:26 AM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	RE: Too easy
> Ah, thanks be to the FAQ.  Seems that by using one FCS to launch each
> missle
> provides a balancing factor to the "Ha ha, I've just launched 56 MT
> Missles at
> your head . . . suck it up baby".  I'm currently using MT missles in a
> pbem game
> I've had the pleasure to be involved in.  Though I don't have any
> dedicated
> "missle boats", rather the MT missle is used in a long range / support
> role.
> The fleet has maybe 8 of theses MTM, and I've found them to be fairly
> effective.
> Maybe not as effective as an oppenets 2 Nova Cannons . . . yuck ;)
> Play the game
> "Tim Jones" <> on 12/06/99 11:53:10 PM
> Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> cc:	 (bcc: Aron Clark/AM/Avid)
> Subject:  RE: Too easy
> >
> >No!	 All MT missiles may be launched on the same turn from the
> >same ship.	Any system that requires a dedicated FCS for use
> >is specified in the rules.  (Needle and Pulse Torps.)
> FAQ says:
> Do missiles require a Firecon?
> Yes, one firecon must be allocated during the missile launch phase.
> The firecon can be used again for direct fire weapons in the same
> this is to prevent the need to track which firecons have been used.
> same rule applies to SML's
> You could add a 'house rule' that the FCS was per target (like PT's)
> so youcould limit the number of targets a single ship could launch at.
> One FCS per warhead is quite restrictive YMMV.
> -= tim jones =-

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