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Re: Beth's Emines & HBWs

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 09:13:44 +1000
Subject: Re: Beth's Emines & HBWs

G'day Oerjan,

(I finally learnt how to say your name properly... well kinda properly
given an accent I've found half the world can't understand!... ;) )

>I'm not surprised you find it a bit underpriced :-/

I said it was a work in progress ;)

>> "Heavy Beams

>Is it possible to feed a single projector from more than one capacitor?
>devoutly hope not, but the rule doesn't say)


>Is the re-roll die also re-rolled on a 6, like normal beam dice?

Yes - at least that's how we've been playing it.

>Did you resolve if re-rolls were allowed if the die roll modifier was
>-6 or larger (the EFSB errata says no)? I missed that reply :-(

On a -6 yes, not anything larger (i.e. given minuses for screens etc you
can go down to 0 damage on your primary roll and just hold out in the
of a re-roll). Though maybe they said yes to this becuase its unlikely
happen if I'm rolling... in the southern hemisphere that is, I've found
there's a strange reversal in polarity in that curse when I travel to
other hemisphere.... ;)

>><Damage causes capacitor rating to be halved>
>What happens if it is damaged a second time? Nothing, destroyed,
>reduced to 1/4 of the original capacity?

It hasn't actually happened to be honest, initial response would be got
through the process again (i.e. to 1/4), but on second though straight
zero would probably be more in keeping with the rest of the FT systems.

>Can the halved capacity be restored by DCPs?

Haven't tried that yet either. I have a felling that EFSB said No (i.e.
permanently to half), but I don't have the book with me right now.

>><Damage causes capacitor to be knocked out>
>Are damage control parties able to repair this damage?

Once again I'd say the feeling I've got is No

>What happens if the capacitor is hit by a needle beam?

Tricky that I guess as no other systems go critical when taken out
(thinking core systems here), but I guess that there should be a chance
capacitor goes up.

>Is the damage from the capacitors scored against hull or armour? (I
>assume hull, but it needs specifying)

I think it was half and half.




Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053


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