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Re: Way OT :o) Stealth and Countermeasures...

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 08:33:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Way OT :o) Stealth and Countermeasures... wrote:

> >Wrong.  The USAF would love to have a longer range AMRAAM for the
> F-22.
> Ah ha! I see the disconnect we're having here. NO the Air Force does
> NOT want
> a longer ranger version of the AMRAAM :)
> What your thinking of is the ALRAAM project. Still in the design and
> test
> phase. Rumor's (from the usual unquotable sources :o) say they are
> leaning
> towards intigrated rams, or hypervelocity motors to power it. As I
> mentioned
> about the Phoenix, long range is tought to do in a small platform.

I haven't had the time to go to the library and do Jane's dump in about
a year and a half.  I would not be a bit surprised if the ALRAAM project
got started because of the in ability to develop an extended range
AMRAAM that will fit into an F-22's weapons bays.

> The AMRAAM does well at what it is designed to do. No the AF doesn't
> want a
> 120nm missile. (We don't need to worry about Bears with nuke cruise
> missiles,
> we figure our bases went up in smoke right after we took off anyway
> :o) The
> ALRAAM is quoted at looking at the 60-90 some odd nm range and is,
> like you
> said, looking to take out both attacking aircraft at longer range but
> at a
> possible role as a TAD asset.

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