Re: GZG @ historical cons (was: RE: Another T-shirt Idea)
From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:28:22 GMT
Subject: Re: GZG @ historical cons (was: RE: Another T-shirt Idea)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:25:16 -0600, wrote:
>Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried using Steam Thrust, or one of
>other conversions at an historical con? Especially with just a 'home
>in the description?
I'm thinking about something like this. My "Full Steam" rules for the
Russo-Japanese War are almost completed.
Actually, I haven't found historical players to be THAT bad about trying
systems. They fall into two camps: historical sticklers, and historical
players. The sticklers won't play a game that doesn't handle their
period EXACTLY. The others, though, are more open to playable games that
"feel" right without being exact.
I find, funny enough, that older gamers tend to be more open to playable
systems. I know my friends have all gone that way. With the time
pressures we
now feel, we don't have time to wrestle with rules. That explains my
GZG so much...
Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:
"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"