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Re: Another T-shirt Idea

From: RWHofrich@a...
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:31:15 EST
Subject: Re: Another T-shirt Idea

In a message dated 11/24/99 8:40:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Well, now while I haven't been to too many historical minis cons, the
>  I did attend a few years ago I ran an FT game at (they asked me to
come to
>  the con, run some games; due to my schedule could only run one game).
So it
>  was in the book.
>  One person showed for my game. Others wandered by, looked, sneered a 
>  then went on to a Napoleonics or Civil War game (two heavily
>  games at that con that year). This really didn't surprise me much
since it
>  was a *historical* con and I'm there with a futuristic game (I didn't
>  Dirtside or StarGrunt at the time, much less being very versed in
>  They invited me back last year but I was already going to be out of
>  state for that weekend.
>  Just one experience here; not meant to be all-encompassing.

I attend Coldwwars and Historicon regurlarly--and occassionally run
games.	A 
few (3?) of years ago at Coldwars a ran a Full Thrust game that I
created on 
the spot and registered at the desk--mostly because that was the year we
the snow storm hit just before the convention and several game masters 
weren't able to make it in (including the one for a game I had signed up

for).  In spite of the late registration of the Full Thrust game (1/2
before start), I had about 6 people playing.  Of course, that was under
I would consider fluke conditions, but just goes to show that you never 
really know how much attendance you'll have...


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