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Re: Map maker, map maker, make me a map...

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 19:44:43 -0500
Subject: Re: Map maker, map maker, make me a map... wrote:
> I'm FINALLY running a campaign based on the map from Buck Rogers in
> XXVth Century board game; now, I'd like assistance from the star
> mappers to find a system/star where the four major powers
> would come together. Obviously, in three dimensional space, such a
> could exist even where the four seem separated greatly on a 2-d map.
> Such a system might also be strategically important, though my
> has it unclaimed by any power, but with small repair bases by all
> So, technically, it's outside all four territories, but close to all
> them.
> Any suggestions?

	<Jambi the Genie voice>
	"Map?  Did somebody say Map?"

	Sure, I'll try and help.
	But I need some more details.
	According to my copy of the Buck Rogers game,
	the various factions are based on Mars, Earth, etc.
	So were are their stellar empires?
	I assume this is not set in the Full Thrust universe.
	If you just want four empires that meet at a point,
	specify how many stars are in each empire.

	I can use my 3-d rotating software to spot a likely

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