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RE: SGII special troops

From: "Steve Gill" <Steve@c...>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:53:40 -0000
Subject: RE: SGII special troops

Steven M Goode wrote:

... snip ...

My ideas, mostly based on current trends.

> Sniper - one per platoon at most.  Independant unit?	Detached

Usually one team per company these days, but getting more common. A
part of the support squad.

> EW - one per platoon at most, in the command squad, plus one in the
> company command squad.

Alternatively they could be independent specialists.

> Heavy Weapons (IAVR, GMS/P, etc) - one per squad (a total of one, not
> one of each kind).

GMS yes, IAVR - one per trooper?

> Support Weapon (SAW) - one per squad.

Or two per squad

> Medic - one per platoon at most.  In command squad?  Another in the
> company command squad?

In platoon command squad, but detachable. Often nominal second in

> Drone team - one per platoon at most.  Independant unit?

Independant specialists

> Crew-served weapons - one per platoon at most.  Independant unit.

Independant specialists

Steve Gill

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