Re: [FT AAR] New Israel/Islamic Federation
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 21:59:44 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT AAR] New Israel/Islamic Federation
Noam wrote:
> > According to the numbers you and Noam posted, it looked closer to >
> > +50% to the cost of the IF (~1200 vs ~1750 IIRC).
> Depends on the calculation?
What depends? IIRC you claimed the HK group to be
fifteenhundred-something pts and the escort group to be
twohundred-something; seventeen-hundred-something *is* closer to 50%
more than 1200 (which Laserlight claimed as a rough IF size force) than
it is to 25% :-/
> By now I've seen adjustments from +10%-
> 25% for converting non-FTL ships to FTL equivalent, evening things up
a > tad (1320-1500).
+10-15% should be close.
> In addition, 144 NPV of the NI ships were 8 unarmed, unmanned scouts
> (the other 5 had a single submunition packs) - utterly useless
> anything but SMs.
Which, as you probably knew prior to the battle <g>, is one of the IF's
main weapons. Defences specifically tailored against your enemy must
IMO be counted into the force total :-/
> > Sure, the HK group alone was only about 20-25% stronger than the
> > raiders, but the convoy escorts got involved in the battle as
> If you call two missiles and a submunition (that all missed) and 1
hit of 3
> beam dice "involved" ;-).
They also got shot at (IIRC one was destroyed and at least one was
badly damaged), which definitely counts as "involved" - they absorbed
damage which otherwise would have hit the HK ships. Soaking up damage
is just as important as inflicting damage on the enemy.
> The real question in a raid type scenario, is how much that matters.
Yep. But that depends entirely on the scenario set-up - ie, whether or
not the HK group is close enough to intervene effectively. In this
battle they were.
Best wishes,
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry