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Re: Scale of Stargrunt

From: Steven M Goode <gromit+@C...>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 20:07:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Scale of Stargrunt

Excerpts from mail: 1-Nov-99 Re: Scale of Stargrunt by Michael 
> I've got my old home town and county (Sonoma, CA) in the USGS map 
> series. The full county map is 1cm to the km and would make a great 
> Striker map, or anything else with high flying grav tanks. Then 
> theres the assault on San Francisco scenario...

If you're going to assault a Californian city, make it Los Angeles.  I'd
*much* rather see a miniature LA burn than a miniature SF (I'm from
Oakland, across the bay from SF).  Although the Transamerica pyramid
*does* look kind of sci-fi.... 

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