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Re: DSII Armor Modules???

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:14:27 +1300
Subject: Re: DSII Armor Modules???

IAS wrote:
> Been looking at my Paladin Multi-Wheeled tanks and can't help but
think that they are a class three vehicle with class 4 armor. How to do
this??? How about 5 capacity points and cost is 20% of vehicle size.
Maximum of one armor increase.

	How about designing the vehicle for level three armour, then
effectively redistributing the armour on the miniature. A normal size
3/armour 3 vehicle has 3 armour on the front and three on the sides and
top, two on the underneath. Seeing as this vehicle is wheeled, reduce
the under armour by one, down to one underneath, and slap that on the
front raising it to four. Then reduce the rear armour to one and put
half on each front side.

Front - Rear
   3 | 2
4 |	| 1
   3 | 2

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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