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[FT] Sol SDN-X (4th proposal)

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:31:08 +1000
Subject: [FT] Sol SDN-X (4th proposal)

Finally found the pictures again.
Well, we want the UN to be powerful, but capable of multirole actions,
how about adding Needlebeams?  The small boxes about halfway down the
could easily be used as the mounting for them.
The hanger decks are only convention, how about a limited fighter bay
long range reconnaisance?
By ripping out the troop bay and the SMRs we can add an ADFC with no
If this is designed using a Weak hull, we get 233 & 202 mass

UNSC Sol Class SDN-X
Mass:	300
Points: 	995 + 8 pts of LR fighters
Hull:	Average
FTL:	Std
Main Drive: 3
Armour: 	15
Damage Track: 90; 23/23/22/22
Crew Factor: 15+8 marines
Firecontrols: 5
Superior Sensors
3 x Class-3 batteries (FP/F/FS) - nose, wingtips
2 x Class-2 batteries (AP/FP/F)
2 x Class-2 batteries (F/FS/AS)
2 x SMR(std)	(FP/F/FS) - sidenose launcher
4 x Pulsetorpedoes	(FP/F/FS) - wingtip mounts
4 x Needlebeams (F) - wing box mounts
6 x PDS
Cargo (Troops/Passengers): 8
Fighter Bay (2 LR fighters) - 3 mass

UNSC Gaia class SDN
Mass:	260
Points: 	857+8 pts of LR fighters
Hull:	Average
FTL:	Std
Main Drive: 3
Armour: 	15
Damage Track: 78; 20/20/19/19
Crew Factor: 13
Firecontrols: 5
Superior Sensors
3 x Class-3 batteries (FP/F/FS) - nose, wingtips
2 x Class-2 batteries (AP/FP/F) - broadsides
2 x Class-2 batteries (F/FS/AS) - broadsides
4 x Pulsetorpedoes	(FP/F/FS) - wingtip mounts
4 x Needlebeams (F) - wing box mounts
6 x PDS
Fighter Bay (2 fighters) - 3 mass

'Neath Southern Skies -

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bell, Brian K []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 3:36 AM
> To:	'gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU'
> Subject:	RE: [FT] Sol SDN-X (3rd proposal)
> Looking at the pictures, I don't see any obvious fighter bays (unless
> is
> the trapezoidal "scoops" on each side (port/starboard) of the main
> The SDN-X is a little more problematic. Extended Range could mean a
> of things. I had taken it to mean that it was designed to work away
from a
> support tail. 
> As an extended range platform, it would need to be more multi-role,
> still being able to operate on its own. It would probably have a
> bay
> or hard points to lock onto (basic hull assumes one shuttle type
> It
> would probably avoid expendables (missiles, fighters*, mines,
> sub-munitions
> packs, etc.). Now that I think of it again, I would probably change
> mix
> to be a Beam/Torpedo mix. 

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