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Re: UN Fleet "cutter" names, slightly OT

From: Tony Francis <tony@g...>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 17:19:27 +0100
Subject: Re: UN Fleet "cutter" names, slightly OT

> Of course, at the climax of the Cold War, high-end USCG cutters were
> intended as viable naval escorts, and had a pretty heavy weapons
suite:	5"
> gun, 2 "4-packs" of Harpoon SSMs, a 20mm CIWS, a pair of triple ASW
> tube mounts, hull-mounted sonar, fair sensors and some countermeasures
> capabilty (chaff rockets).

In other words, the armament of a frigate (eg a Knox class) from the
same era.

> That might add up to a class-1, a PDS and maybe
> a MT missile (or abstract the Harpoons as another class-1, or even a
> class-2!).

I would design a coastguard cutter as an escort sized vessel with a
amount of space given over to a troop contingent with shuttle (ie a
bunch of
colonial marines). It probably wouldn't have missiles (of any flavour)
independant, long-range operations would be the order of the day.

My £0.02


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