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Re: UNSC ship names

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:42:00 -0400
Subject: Re: UNSC ship names

>UNSC ship names for ships I missed:
>Physician-Class Medical Cruiser (CMH): UNS Banting, UNS Best, UNS
>UNS Heimlich, UNS Keon, UNS Koop, etc.
>Peace-Class Provider: UNS Theodore Roosevelt (the Teddy as she is
>known), UNS T. Woodrow Wilson, UNS Aristide Briand, UNS Albert
>Schweitzer, UNS George C. Marshall, UNS Lester B. Pearson, UNS Dag
>Hammarskjold, UNS Martin Luther King, UNS Andrei Sakharov, UNS Anwar
>Sadat, UNS Menachim Begin, etc.
>(This last group is culled from
>which is a mighty neat spot).

I was kind of thinking Peacekeeper class for the big guy, and working
way down for the other classes.  Apparently the scout ships are
class, but I think that Physician class, Composer class, Artist class,
etc., would be a good way to go.

Somehow, the natural features method just doesn't work for me.	It seems
little too...drab, I guess.  Not the actual ship names, but the
"Archipeligo class Frigate" plain doesn't work for me.

>Tell me, did anyone else look at the new ship and think
>"Hmm, I wonder if a the Ragtag crew of the SDN-X UNS Crusade can
>forth to find the cure for the horrible plague that the KV drop on Sol
>in 2191... crewed by a hard-headed captain, and a crew of varying
>misfits and aliens, and accompanied by some sort of Techno-Mage (or
>Possibly John Crimmins in one of his Illuminated Disguises)....."

I'm not admitting to anything.	But everyone knows that the UN and
conspiracy theory go hand in hand in hand.  And wouldn't that new ship
really cool in black?

Oh, and according to Wired the B5 sim game is not yet dead.  It's
up blood, but it's still being shopped around.	Keep your fingers

John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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