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Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW STUFF - hosting pix?

From: Michael T Miserendino <MTMiserendino@l...>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 9:52:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] NEW STUFF - hosting pix?


I can display them, but will not be able to do it until this weekend as
leaving after work tonight for a little racing.


Michael Miserendino
Senior Software Engineer
Lincoln Re

>>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 10/20 9:39 AM >>>
Hi all,

Further to the last few news posts, I've just assembled the first
production casting of the new UNSC Superdreadnought, and it looked so
that I whipped the digital camera out and took a few pics straight away!
Would anyone like to host the pics on their website for everyone to look
at? (Ducks and runs to avoid getting flattened by the stampede....). If
can handle the pics as Jpegs, Mail me off-list ASAP and I'll email them

Jon (GZG)

PS: I'll do the same with the Islamics ASAP, but at the moment the
assembled ones are up at the workshop. I'll pick them up tonight for
the pix.

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