Re: RE: RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book
From: Michael T Miserendino <MTMiserendino@l...>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:03:00 -0500
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book
Or maybe it could just sense incoming fire and shape itself into a donut
totally avoiding the attack. They could even squeeze the gel out at
incoming fire to work as a shield. Now there's something to do with
old stale donuts - new minis! ;-)
Michael Miserendino
Senior Software Engineer
Lincoln Re
>>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 10/14 12:43 PM >>>
might be flabby filled with an ablative gel with a high vaporization
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael T Miserendino []
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 10:38 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book
> Not to mention that sounds a little odd for something soft and flabby
> we
> know it to protect against high power weapons. I would think an
> exoskeleton like a turtle shell would be more likely for a warship.
> Mike
> Michael Miserendino
> Senior Software Engineer
> Lincoln Re
> >>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 10/14 3:44 PM >>>
> Fat just seems too terrestial a concept
> my SV are more bio-mech *alien*