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Re: Ogres, Bolos and things that go bump in the night

From: Michael T Miserendino <MTMiserendino@l...>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 16:46:00 -0500
Subject: Re: Ogres, Bolos and things that go bump in the night

>>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 10/07 2:16 PM >>>
Ryan Montieth Gill wrote:

>Does a modular go boom on a boom? I thought only that module did. 

AFAIK yes.  I'll double check tonight.

>It would have a significant affect later on in the game. I think it
>help out weigh the large size/easy target issues...

I wish I had some input from actual play.  I'll try it myself here soon
as I 
have a bunch of oversized creepy crawlers.


Michael Miserendino
Senior Software Engineer
Lincoln Re

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