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Landships II

From: dadams@p...
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 08:04:36 +1000
Subject: Landships II

I am looking at doing a FMA games based on Colonial Warfare with mecha
(Landships, Zeplins, Fliers, Martian Tripods...) inspired by the website

What I am looking at is the bang part of the game. Does anyone looked at
firepower , penetration and armour of Colonial period weapons? As well,
anyone looked at the armour ratio of armour (I envision a N" = Nd

As well, I envisions Suppressions to work differently , where each
suppression adds +1 to morale tests. Has anyone used this , or do anyone
have ideas how to suppress troops who are trained to stand up in

Any ideas or flames, please send.


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