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Re: Painting question - Orange

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 12:10:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Painting question - Orange

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Jon Davis wrote:
> I tried to paint an orange base coat on a starship figure last night.
> I had primed it with white.  Ral Partha Orange was very thin and I
> wasn't terribly happy with the first coat's results.	I also tried
> an old bottle of Citadel Hobgoblin Orange and the results were even 
> worse.
> Are there any suggestions for better coverage or a primer base color
> that would do a better job for a one coat layer of orane base?

Go with enamal paints. I know people dislike them, but I can't figure
out why - even with yellow, white and pale tan enamals, I have NO
coverage problems, even over a gray primer. I've even (once or twice...)
done pale colours over a black primer, and gotten coverage in two coats.

Granted, paint thinner smells, but have a covered container, and keep it
covered while you're not using the stuff - it'll last longer that way,

I really like enamels - I'll probably never switch to acrylics - partly
because I have around 50 tins of Humbrol, and it would cost a fortune to
replace those all in acrylics!

Brian (

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